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Visit our showroom

Are you looking for an unique experience in the ways of Art Deco?
We’d like to invite you to our 2500m2 furniture showroom.

Let us know if you want a personal tour by one of our employees.
During this tour there is enough space for questions and custom made advice.

We like to work with an appointment so we can scedule enough time for your visit.
Are you interested and want to make an appointment? Click the button below.

Make an appointment
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Unique experience

  • 2500m2 showroom
  • Personal advice
  • Unique furniture
  • Own delivery service
Make an appointment
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Can’t wait?

We got a special 3D guided tour down below.


Our showroom location
Knibbelweg 8A
2761 JD Zevenhuizen
Zuid-Holland, Nederland

Click here for navigation Google Maps Route.

Telephone: 0180 – 632259

Opening times
Tuesday t/m Saturday from 9.00 till17.30 uur

Any questions regarding our showroom?
You can send us and message through our contactform.